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Filox Iron Filter

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SKU: WB248157
Dimensions: 10 in × 10 in × 54 in
Weight: 99 lb


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In most cases, our standard Zeoprep Whole House Iron Water Filter will be all you need if you’re experiencing Ferric or Ferrous iron staining in your home. But in a few cases, the need for a Filox Iron Filter may be required, particularly if your iron level is near or exceeds 10 PPM or have a PH reading lower than 6.8 or have manganese higher than 7.8. In these rare cases, you should consider using a filter that uses Filox as the media. Filox is designed to handle these issues better than Zeoprep.


The main difference between Zeoprep and Filox is, Filox has some oxidizing properties, will handle a wider range of PH values, and will handle manganese better, the drawback being there is a heavier backwash rate needed. Zeoprep only filters out particles, sediment, oxidized iron, etc. Our Filox Iron Filter uses a Fleck 2510SXT Electronic control, which has the ability to allow for longer back-washing where our standard Iron Water Filter uses a Fleck 5600SXT control.

The differences between our 5600SXT timer and out 2510SXT timer are on the 5600 we recommend using only Media that need a maximum backwash rate of 7 GPM. 2510 can backwash media needing up to 17 GPM backwash. 2510 has a higher flow rate to service than the 5600, that’s why we use 2510 on this Iron Water Filter. This state of the art 2510SXT controller oversees the backwash that rejuvenates and resettles the media bed and adds oxygen to the tank for iron oxidization. This is an excellent alternative to other Iron Water Filters that require maintenance. Our Filox Iron Filter is maintenance-free, this means no chemicals or cleaning. It simply stores the iron in the media bed and oxidizes the stored iron every three days at about 2 AM using oxygen that it draws in from the air around it. Read more about Comparing And Understanding Whole House Iron Water Filters

Standard Features:

  • Uses Natural Water Treatment Methods.
  • No Caustic Chemicals or Salt.
  • Provides a Homeowner With Maintenance Free System.
  • Maximizes Air Injection, Increasing Levels of Oxidation.
  • No Air Pump Required
  • Filter Tank Media Adjustable to Meet Your Needs


It Does The Job...

  • No More Rust
  • No More Staining
  • No More Iron-Tasting Water
  • No More Expensive And Messy Chemicals
  • Many customers install our Poly Hard Water Conditioner with the Whole House Iron Water Filter. This package removes the iron and treats hard water. 
  • No Pumps To Fail
  • No Maintenance, No Filters To Replace

Minimum System Requirements:

  • 10 gallons per minute minimum from your well for proper backwash
  • A ph of 5.0 to 9.0
  • Maximum ferric/ferrous iron content 10 ppm
  • Use the information HERE to compare iron water filters.